Sunday, October 28, 2007


I chose this image because I have chooks in my backyard and have done for years. The current lot are mainly a cross between New Hampshires and Rhode Island Reds, but they're pensioners now. The oldest girl - Whiskey - is 9 and the two younger ones - Queenie and Ginger - are 7 years old. At one stage we had up to 8 girls, but the others have fallen off the perch! Although old, they still lay the occasional egg - sometimes very tiny, sometimes without a shell!

The ring tone on my phone is a Rooster, and this does get some looks occasionally both at work and out shopping!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Blue Champagne

Blue Champagne
Originally uploaded by Drunken Monkey
I've chosen this picture from Flickr because it best represents how I feel about the Web 2 Training - it makes me feel blue and drives me to drink! I'm finding it all quite time consuming and not a little confusing and without the help of my friendly workmates I'm sure I'd just have given up by now...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Brain Dead!

Ok, so I've been away on holidays for a couple of weeks and come back to Learning 2.0 and guess what? I can't even remember which of my email accounts I used to set up my blog, let alone which password. But then I asked my colleague Vi to help me work it all out and now Im back blogging. So thanks Vi! Now I will get on with my next Learning 2.0 task before I post anew!